Better choices

Every day we have to make choices. And not only do we need to make choices – we must make better ones. Choices that matter and move us in the right direction. At Thinkers50 I met some of the greatest business thinkers of today. Here are their thoughts on how to make better choices.

17. oktober 2018

By Jesper Dalgaard Pøhler
#Thinkers50 #Disruption #Innovation

Ledelse i dag, THINKERS50, Jesper dahlgaard pøhler

Thinkers50 is addressing the purpose and actions of future businesses. For those of you unfamiliar with Thinkers50: It is a conference facilitating the sharing of good ideas. Actually great ideas. Those kind of ideas that shape the world. This years' theme was "Making Better Choices". Today, both thinkers and businesses are interested in making the world a better place, and they do so by mirroring the values of their consumers and workers who aim for a better world.

Since 2001, Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer – founders of the Thinkers50 – have been scanning, ranking and sharing the very best ideas in management thinking. It has been a shift away from focusing on "Who is most influential?" to "What are the most influential ideas?" Every second year, an updated list is published, celebrating management thinking and thinkers that enable organizations and individuals to perform more effectively, responsibly and successfully. I met some of the inspiring thinkers encouraging creating a better world through leadership all over the world. I really encourage you to read six short articles, introducing the thoughts of great business thinkers. Hopefully, you will be just as inspired as I did. Enjoy:

You have probably heard of Blockchain. However, if you are just slightly like the rest of us, you are not 100 % sure, what it is. You might think of it as something digital, making those Bitcoins that everyone keeps talking about possible. Yet it is so much more. Read about Don Tapscott and the Blockchain Revolution right here:
Some thoughts from Don Tapscott

Commercial transaction has gotten a new abbreviation. It is H2H: Human to Human. In this article, you get a brief insight in the thoughts from Denmark’s LEGO kid and a thought leader on consumer insight Martin Lindstrøm, who insists on authenticity – to the extent of not owing a phone. Read the article here:
Some thoughts from Martin Lindstrøm

Disruption has been the number one buzzword for quite some time now and it does not seem to change. Actually, it seems evidentially relevant in a constantly changing world. What can we do in order to keep up? Well … disrupt oneself. It sounds a bit overwhelming but do not fear. Just read along as Whitney Johnson explains how to manage anxiety by disrupting yourself. Click the link below:
Some thoughts from Whitney Johnson

Odense, known for being the birth place of the famous Danish fairy tale author H.C. Andersen, has much more to be proud of, as it is a frontrunner city in integrating robots into the business life of humans. Read about Universal Robots and their co-founder Esben Østergaard here:
Some thoughts from Esben Østergaard

New requirements need better and accurate solutions – But how do we do that? According to Alexander Osterwalder, one of the key thinkers on innovation, the idea of innovation should not be reserved for the few, creative geniuses of your company. Innovation is about process and training, and it does not have to be expensive. Read on here:
Some thought from Alexander Osterwalder

Paradigm shifts
Have you ever thought about how distinct set of concepts or thought patterns constitute and shape our reality, the way we think, talk, and live as well as how we work, develop and improve. Leading global business thinker Roger Martin gave the audience a useful insight into the paradigms structure. Read about the Quest for Better Paradigms right here:
Some thoughts from Roger Martin

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